As with each of these sessions, I presented them with this slidedeck:
And here was their wish list and particular items of note:
- Upper School Feedback
- Email read receipts; access history
- Grade history
- Absences and tardies history
- Ease of data entry for assignments
- Copy/paste/ data integrity in assignment descriptions
- Yearly rollovers of assignments
- Mapping year-to-year days, rather than dates for assignments
- Summer school issues with non-Harker households; uses Moodle instead of Schoology
- Collaboration with other teachers; seeing planning guides, etc.
- Who teaches what when; master schedule
- Calendar view options; ease of input of calendars (.csv upload?)
- Test calendar - who put in what when Inputting tests -editing entries doesn't change priority
- Grades - user-friendly and flexibility
- Multiple pathways clarity
- Access to archived courses
- User guides, professional development, YouTube Channel - self-help
- Development Schedule - updates well-communicated
- Multiple methods by which to create assignments (incalendar, assessment list, etc.)
- Multiple gradebooks open simultaneously
- Enter multiple grades for same assessment across periods/sections
- Drag and Drop Functions
- User Friendliness
- Avoid User Antagonism
- Planning tool potential?
- Linking sections Impersonating students
- What's Happening Calendar integrated
- Bulk grade email for individual grade within context (or other options) to students w/personalization feature/option
- Real-time access to zeros and blanks for students Calendar sorting; departmental calendars
- Conflict resolution for multiple activities, sports, etc.
- Ease of group creation for non-academic
- Stock reports v. custom reports; sending individual reports v. having to export a full class
- Ability to change category percentages mid-semester
- Viewing grading options (percentages, weights, whole point, etc.)
- Attendance ease
- Household Salutation
- Preschool Feedback
- Printing emergency contacts easily
- Alerts for changes to contact info or other
- Directory - easily organized by cottage
- Interoperability with Kinderlime and Group Spaces
- Signatures in SIS emails
- Auto-fill email addresses
- Middle School Feedback
- Interoperability - open API
- Training plan
- UX
- Latency rates
- Printing class lists ease
- Stock and Custom Reports - what currently exists?
- Smart search (v. dumb search)
- Split screen or multitasking ability
- Email - reply-all function
- Ease of finding sent emails
- Ease of group creation
- Data integrity and control
- Gradebook - multiple assignment creation with multiple dates
- Responsive theme
- Data parameters - score highlights in gradebook, health concerns, other special circumstances
- Multiple grading views
- Easy quick access for student details
- Notifications for missing assignments
- Student notes
- Email read receipts and which email is actually used
- Searching - ability to search for students across divisions; ease of making groups
- User friendliness - efficiency - direct navigation